The Fall of Sugarcane Juice Value and its Hazardous Effect on the Human Body. 


Recently, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), in collaboration with the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), warned against high consumption of sugarcane juice. The high levels of sugar content had become the major restraining factor. It is observed that sugarcane juice has become the preferred beverage for this scorching summer season, alongside other fruit juices, soft drinks, and tea-coffee.

Sugarcane and its popularity among beverages

In tropical areas, sugarcane is praised for its appealing natural origin and health benefits. It is estimated to contain carbohydrates in the form of sucrose and small amounts of vitamins, minerals, and iron. The primary health benefit that is often associated with sugarcane juice is its hydrating and quick energy-boosting properties. It is known to help with jaundice and urinary tract infection conditions. The alkaline property of sugarcane helps with stomach acidity. 

Image Source : Britannica

Harmful Effects of Sugarcane 

High Levels of Sugar Content.

The ICMR estimated that there are about 13–15 grams of sugar per 100 milliliters of sugarcane juice.

The high intake of sugar components could lead to an increase in blood glucose levels, which, going further, could contribute to type 2 diabetes and the development of insulin resistance. 

High Calorie Intake

The high levels of calories present in each serving play a major role in weight gain, which, when combined with a lack of physical activity, will assist in health issues like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. 

Dental Problems 

The high sugar content could lead to issues with dental hygiene and problems like cavities, tooth decay, and other oral hygiene-related issues. 

Bacteria Attack

Sugar cane juice, often referred to as Ganne ka juice, is sold by street vendors, who are often situated in areas prone to bacterial and other pathogenic contamination. The preparation and storage practices are also often not addressed properly, which could lead to health issues for consumers.

Soft Drinks or Carbonated Refreshments 

In the modern lifestyle and particularly in the modern diet itinerary, the dependence and inclusion of carbonated soft drinks have become a worrying component. The soft drinks are composed of high levels of fructose and sucrose, along with artificial flavors and preservatives, which in turn contribute to intense sweetness, carbonation, and addictive flavoring. 

Image Source : Slurrp

Health Risks associated with Soft Drinks 

Obesity and other Metabolic Health Syndromes 

One of the primary sources of weight gain is the excessive amount of sugar in soft drinks. Frequent consumption without nutritional advantages may result in excessive calorie intake. It is commonly known that consuming soft drinks can lead to the development of metabolic syndrome, a collection of disorders that includes excessive cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and excess body fat around the waist.


Significant increases in blood sugar and insulin levels are brought on by the quick absorption of sweets from soft drinks. Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes may eventually result from this.

Dental and Bone Health

Soft drinks have an elevated pH level and sugars that encourage the growth of dangerous bacteria in the mouth, degrading enamel and promoting tooth decay. Many soft drinks include phosphoric acid, which may interfere with the body’s ability to absorb calcium, weakening bones and raising the risk of osteoporosis.

Cardiovascular diseases 

Research has connected drinking sugar-filled drinks to a greater likelihood of heart disease. Because of the high fructose content, triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels may rise, which may lead to the buildup of plaque in the arteries.

Prevention and Strategic control 

Water intake

Rather than substituting water with soft drinks and fruit juices, Try to depend on water to keep your body hydrated. Aim for 8–10 glasses daily, adjusting according to the level of acidity and sun exposure. 

Hydrating fruits and foods

Try to have water-rich fruits like litchi, watermelon, and mangoes and vegetables like cucumber and carrots to boost the level of water content in your body. 

Avoid alcohol and other high-sugar-filled beverages. 

To decrease the risk and maintain a healthy body, try to avoid drinks and beverages that are massive contributors to an unhealthy lifestyle. 

Physical Activity and Exercise 

It is always advised for the human body to engage in physical activities and to have movements for a healthy physique. It is necessary for individuals to sweat out the chemicals and unnecessary waste deposits in their blood streams. Therefore, incorporating physical activities and exercises could add value to a healthy lifestyle. 

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