Browsing: Papua New Guinea

A rare and enigmatic condition known as “laughing disease” or “kuru” has puzzled scientists for decades due to its unusual symptoms and origins among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea. Transmitted through the practice of funerary cannibalism, kuru is characterized by severe tremors, emotional instability, and bursts of uncontrollable laughter, often leading to its misdiagnosis as a mood disorder. This article explores the cultural context, progression, and diagnostic challenges of kuru, highlighting its significant impact on medical research and understanding of neurodegenerative diseases.

In a remarkable display of international solidarity, India has dispatched a substantial aid package to Papua New Guinea following catastrophic landslides that have claimed approximately 2,000 lives. Triggered by relentless heavy rainfall, the landslides devastated entire communities, leaving thousands homeless. India’s swift response, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, includes medical teams, rescue personnel, and essential supplies, transported by the Indian Navy’s INS Airavat. This aid mission highlights the critical role of global cooperation in addressing humanitarian crises and supporting recovery efforts in times of dire need.