Taiwan’s Destiny: Assessing the Possibility of Chinese Integration


In recent years the possibility of China conducting a full-scale operation to take over Taiwan has never been more plausible than it is now, with China increasingly militarising the region and deploying warships to blockade Taiwan in ruse of conducting naval exercises has increased, the world is taking notice of this threat to Taiwan and countering China’s over-aggressive foreign policies related to the Indo Pacific area. The United States especially is interested because if China is successful in taking over Taiwan then China will become one of the most powerful countries in the world and will control the majority of the Semiconductor production and supply chain which China can leverage and use against nations who don’t subscribe to China’s style of government- an authoritarian capitalistic form of government where every aspect of Citizen’s life has some form of CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) involvement, and eventually challenge the USA for the sole superpower position as by then the United States would have become heavily dependant on semiconductors now manufactured in Chinese territory. The main concern of Taiwan takeover for China is mainly geopolitical where if China is Successful then China gains access to the majority of the complicated Semiconductor Technology and China has unrestricted access to the Pacific Ocean with America in its sight, the reason why the United States Of America has been a superpower for so many decades is because of its massive navy and its Power projection capabilities far from its shores.

The United Kingdom’s carrier strike group led by HMS Queen Elizabeth, and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Forces led by (JMSDF) Hyuga-class helicopter destroyer JS Ise joined with U.S. Navy carrier strike groups led by flagships aircraft carriers Ronald Reagan and Carl Vinson sails to conduct multiple carrier strike group operations in the Philippine Sea, on Oct. 3, 2021. (Jason Tarleton/U.S. Navy via AP)

For some time now China has been quietly building up its navy though it is still decades away from having the technology that the US Navy has it has built up the world’s largest Navy. The US and the world should be concerned about China’s geopolitical ambition as its ambitions are a direct threat to its neighbors and it is a question of survival, sovereignty, and territory.

If we look back at history, when Mao Zedong was leading the CCP to overthrow the then-Chinese Government (Kuo Min Tang) they escaped to a tiny island called Taiwan and set up a government there based on democracy, so it is plausible that China and Taiwan are at loggerheads due to age-old rivalry and China sees Taiwan as a threat because it Challenges China’s notion that Chinese governance is a better form of governance as compared to the US-backed Democracy

To support its claim over Taiwan and the entire South China Sea, China quotes false historical records claiming that during the Qing Dynasty, it had an area similar to what it claims as its territory, and it has been doing so and deterring the fishermen of Philippines from fishing in its waters and overfishing in neighboring county’s Exclusive Economic Zone 00 Nautical miles from the country’s shore thereby depleting the fish reserves and pushing Fishermen to venture far out into the deep sea where their lives are in danger. China also uses its navy to ram into other country’s fishing boats and sink them and uses its massive army of fishing trawlers to deplete the fish population all over the world without any fear of repercussion due to the enormous economic clout which it has amassed today partly duet America’s intervention against the Soviet Union and after the collapse of Soviet Union. But America still holds the Chinese Economy in its hands as the major contractors for Chinese manufacturers are American and European countries which can shift to another country when the time arises and it has been happening in the recent past due to China’s over-aggressive geopolitical actions and its wolf warrior-style diplomacy.


If China is successful in its attempt to capture Taiwan the the whole world will be dependent on China for semiconductors and China will launch trade wars against countries who are not aligned with China’s vision which will either force the countries to surrender to China;s whims and demand or make them side with US and its allies which inevitably spark an all-out war. 

The United States has currently restricted China’s movements and kept them in check by creating an island China in front of China’s coastline by placing its strategic assets in Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and Indonesia, it has its own islands in the Pacific like Hawaii and Guam where its Naval bases are situated. If China manages to take over Taiwan then China would have broken the Islan Chain and would be freely able to move in the Pacific which is the backyard of the US Navy.

China hasn’t had much success with its misadventures but once it tastes success it might go on picking fights with every country it shares a border with, which includes India, if push comes to shove those countries not willing to submit to Chinese tyranny will wage a war in their own capacity and soon this war will spread all over the world which would be detrimental to mankind. Hence it is in the best interest of China to stay within its own borders and not be too greedy for territory that it cannot manage.

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