8 Tips to lead a Happy and Healthy life 


Happiness and health is all we need and desire in life , but we never thought that it is possible only through our actions in a consistent manner. No one and nothing can bring you happiness until you are Happy inside

External factors like your Family friends, surroundings, Society aren’t the main base of your happiness. Then who is that ! The one who thinks now who is actually the Prime cause for your Happiness  “YOU “. Look in the mirror and just say ‘hi’ to your lifelong friend!

Have you ever thought that right from your birth , it’s only you who has been with you in all of your unsaid battles and in every stage of life where you may have laughed loudly , cried heavily , annoyed, angered . So here the point is Take Care of Yourself no matter whatever the situation .There can’t be anyone to pamper you better than yourself . First Love yourself deeply that lack of outside world’s love doesn’t make you to bother a lot .

Here are some tips to take Care of Yourself

We Move , do our Daily activities only through the energy in our body which is like the money in your bank account. Minimum Balance is necessary to run the body better .

The activities we perform can’t be controlled from depleting our energy but the energy we hold in our body can be renewed or deposited more . This is called Energy Management 

How to Renovate your Energy filled Healthy Life

  1. Consume Nutritional Food

Intake of healthy and balanced food is the basis for an Active , Energetic Life. It’s not possible to have a balanced diet right and we do fall into the trap of junk food . It’s natural but don’t forget to limitise. Do take Breakfast without fail which serves as the first entry in your account and mandatory one too. 

Do consume fruits and vegetables in your daily diet . Include more whole grains and millets in your diet . Stay Hydrated, where scientists recommend  drinking 2 liters per day. Do try to reduce the intake of NaCL ( salt ) . Adopt a Plant based Diet , avoid smoke and strictly limit alcohol.

  1. Sleep 6- 8 hours per day 

A quality Sleep is the root for an Active Day . Try to maintain a Consistent Sleep routine which holds 6 – 8 hours of sleep and never compromise in your sleep routine. Helps you to increase Concentration and learning power. Healthy weight maintenance is possible. Reduces your stress level.

  1. Socialize with right people

Socialization is something directly related to your better mental health . This practice helps to reduce the risk of dementia . 

  1. Limit your daily dose of news

There is always a limit for everything , including your intake of information. It’s important to stay updated but one can’t keep on looking for Current news and dump all stuff inside which may have impact over your Mental health.

  1. Do involve in Physical Exercise 

Physical fitness and maintenance of a zero fat body is the dream of all youngsters right ?!. But the modern world is not designed in the way to fulfill our dream where people are easily exposed to junk food at the cheapest cost and some are even forced to intake outside food often due to busy schedules . 

Exercise helps to maintain healthy Body (source : National institute for fitness and sports )

It may not be possible to avoid such circumstances but one can compensate it with Physical Activities .So it’s your prior responsibility to indulge in physical exercises or yoga regularly and maintain a fit and healthy Body

  1. Learn Something New

According to psychology, learning something new everyday helps your brain to stay active and gives a kind of new spark to lead the day energetically.

  1. Develop Optimism

Stay Happy and look at every scenery in a positive way . It’s up to you to take a situation as fate which demotivated you or as a lesson to restart !

  1. Journal the day filled with Gratitude

it’s a Continuation of Optimism where you have to write down the Positive happenings of your day in a note . A sense of peacefulness arises on developing Gratitude


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