Top 4 Secrets to Battle the War Against PCOD


The war against PCOD is as evident as the pollution in the air these days. The rising cases have increased manifolds when it comes to younger generations as well.

PCOD is a hormonal imbalance that affects the women of a reproductive age. It causes a surge in the hormones and results in an imbalance. It further creates little cysts in the ovaries that refrain the egg from maturing and releasing. The symptoms are vast but a few very common symptoms are irregular or scanty periods, hair on face, increase in male hormone (Androgen), acne, hair loss, rapid increase in weight around the belly and fertility issues.

The reasons that have largely been brought forward for PCOD or PCOS are environmental issues, sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary choices and genetics. Whereas the increased awareness has led to escalating diagnosis resulting in more detection of PCOD. 

The medics might advise  hormonal pills for the period that will run the cycle for that particular month but might cause further complications. The results and research for these particular oral contraceptives are not very appreciable. Hence people advise lifestyle modifications to promote healthy reversal without any further complications.

Surely in severe cases even surgeries can be performed but largely PCOD can be tackled through lifestyle modifications and mindful practices. 

Let’s have a look at the secret modifications that can help you win the battle against PCOD:

Limit Stress 

Imagine your stress to be limited and decide very wisely where that stress needs to be invested. For some people it might not just be a lifestyle modification but also a viewpoint in life through which you assess most things in life which might be causing stress. 

Everything starts from the brain, the signals followed down to your organs can affect their working and this is one of the main reasons why stress should be limited in order to cure PCOD. Reducing the instances of stress might be a difficult option if it comes from work and people that cannot be avoided but mindful practices like deep breathing exercise, spending conscious time in nature observing and absorbing freshness, yoga, meditation can truly help to calm down the nerves and hence lift the stress off the working of the organs.

Folic Acid

Folic acid regulates normal and regular ovulation hence promotes reduction in fertility issues and reproduction. This supplement can help you improve insulin sensitivity that is one of the major factors in PCOD.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D acts as a great supplement when it comes to lifestyle and health improvements during PCOD. It improves insulin resistance. It regulates hormones by reducing the male hormone called androgen which further helps to ease menstrual regularity. It also helps in weight management if consumed in adequate levels which can further help to reduce the effect of PCOD.

Herbal Tea to Induce a Period in PCOD

Teas rich in anti-inflammatory properties, aiding in digestive health, stacked with healthy fat and iron sources are great to trigger the inner lining of the uterus in order to cause a period. Indian household kitchens are filled with such ingredients but few common ingredients are- cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds, carom seeds, jaggery, edible gum (gond) and Ghee. 


Roast the seeds and grind it into a powder.

In a tablespoon of ghee roast the Edible gum and set aside. 

In another table spoon of ghee add 1 spoon of the grinded powder and mix.

Add 1 cup water and a spoon of jaggery powder.

Mix well and let it boil for a minute or two.

Strain and serve warm. 

The intake of drink is recommended before bed for 5 days and must be stopped after. 

The intake shall also be stopped if the period arrives before 5 days. But can be consumed immediately  in cases of period pain.The drink recipe is purely from a household kitchen.

The drink must be considered as an option only after a consultation from your doctor who can assess your background, your current situation and your medicines as well. 

PCOD is a lifestyle change not for a short span but for life. It requires a balanced diet, regular exercises, mindfulness and other basic strategies that aid a healthy life.

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