Low BP or hypotension is a problem among people these days but this can be overcome with the help of certain foods that help immediately in Low BP.
To normalize BP the intake of food with high salt content is advised.
Food containing Salt can actually help in getting your BP to a normal level from low.
Here are top 10 foods that can help in Low BP :
1- Coffee : Coffee is considered the best option to improve blood pressure. Its intake helps in increasing BP. It’s an ideal food if you wish to increase your blood pressure instantly.
2- Eggs : Eggs are considered to be a top food improve blood pressure. Eggs contain Iron, Vitamin B12 and many other proteins which are helpful in increasing blood pressure.
3- Dairy products: They are also among top food and great source of Vitamin and Protein. Dairy products contain vitamin B12, Folate and Proteins which help in increasing blood pressure.
4- Raisins : Raisins contain Potassium and Antioxidants hence it’s a good source of improving blood pressure.
They are good for hypotension as well as hypertension both.
5- Nuts : Nuts are a great source of increasing blood pressure.They contain Iron,Folate, Potassium hence nuts are a great source of Improving blood pressure.
6- Green leafy vegetables: They are a great source of Iron,Folate and water. These include broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, Lettuce , Cabbage etc.
7- Organ Meat : Organ Meat such as Liver are helpful in improving blood pressure.
It contains Iron , Vitamin B12 and protein which helps in increasing blood pressure.
8- Legumes: It refers to chickpea beans ,Lentils, folate etc. They are a great source of Iron and other vitamins.
9- Fish : Fatty fish are associated with increasing blood pressure. Fatty fish such as Tuna , Salmon have various benefits to the body. Fatty fish are good in omega 3 fatty acids and they are also helpful in absorption of Vitamins.
10- Chicken : Chicken is a great source for increasing blood pressure. It is a good source of Protein as well as vitamin B12
Poultry food is an essential diet for someone with low blood pressure.