Trailblazer Dianne Feinstein dies at 90!


People refer to Dianne Feinstein as a Trailblazing senator who made history through her powerful campaigns and LGBTQ+ advocation. Sadly, she left this world at 90 in the comfort of her home, as reported by her office. 

Image source: Politico

Ms Feinstein is said to be a force of nature with her indomitable personality. She never let anything stop her, not even the health concerns she was battling with. 

Senator Feinstein was suffering from Shingles, a herpes zoster virus. Her death was the cumulative result of the virus, its complications and her age.

Dianne Feinstein’s death cause: Shingles?

Shingles is the reactivated and more dangerous form of chickenpox. The same virus that causes chickenpox is responsible for shingles, i.e., varicella-zoster virus. 

Varicella-zoster virus is a human alpha herpes virus. Almost every individual above 30 has been in contact with this virus once in their lifetime. In children, the virus generally causes chickenpox, manifesting as a painful rash all over the body that eventually heals. 

Shingles are adult chickenpox. Sometimes, after the symptoms of chickenpox disappear, the virus lies dormant in a ganglion. The virus remains inactive for most of the population and does not lead to a shingles attack. But for about one-third of the population, the virus reactivates, replicates and attacks the body, causing shingles. 

The virus mostly stays in a single sensory nerve ganglion, typically a dorsal root ganglion. Due to this factor, the signs of shingles appear on specific body parts, like the abdomen, waistline area or back.

Image source: CNN

Signs and symptoms?

The symptoms of the disease may vary in individuals. In some, they might feel pain or itching but no rash. While in others, they might experience rash over their body parts along with pain. 

The intensity of pain is also different in different individuals. Some might describe it as dull, persistent itching while for some, they might feel largely excruciating pain.

Some people might have other symptoms associated with it like:

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Lethargy and muscle weakness
  • Tenderness 
  • Upset stomach
  • Hearing and balance loss
  • Swelling of the eyes

The rash most commonly appears around the waist (the band area), the chest, the abdomen or the back. This rash appears as fluid-filled blisters on the body and crusts over in a few days. It typically takes over 3-4 weeks to clear.

The Shingles attack might also cause a few rare complications. That happened with beloved Senator Dianne Feinstein. The shingles disease, may sometimes, give rise to facial palsy or encephalitis, inflammation of the brain. The elderly and people with low immune systems are more vulnerable to the complications. It can even cause the death of the patient. 


Shingles diagnosis is typically clinical. Doctors study the rash closely and take 

detailed history, with close attention to past chickenpox incidence in the patient. 

You need to consult a doctor when you discover a painful rash on your body. Early detection and diagnosis will help you seek medications to speed up recovery. It will help with your pain and uncomfortable status of the body.

Physicians advise individuals with weak immune systems to get the shingles test to confirm the diagnosis. 

Image source: Duke Health

Treatment and Prevention?

Patients are prescribed antiviral medications. Studies have shown them to help decrease the symptom duration and avoid the post-complications, such as neuralgia. 

Vaccines are also available in the market aimed to prevent shingles reactivation. People over 50 should should get the vaccine. It is safe and effective. 

Tips to manage Shingles attack?

  1. Wear loose cotton clothes.
  2. Don’t scratch or rub your blisters
  3. Apply calamine lotion for a soothing effect.
  4. You can use a wet cloth to wash the area. It will provide cooling.
  5. Try not to stress or exert yourself
  6. Take rest
  7. Have healthy food
  8. Watch television, read books or do whatever you feel comfortable doing to distract your mind.
  9. Talk with your family members and friends. It helps uplift mood. 

Don’t lose your spirit and stay strong against the disease. Take care of all the preventive measures and assure yourself it will be alright. 

Image source: The New York Times

Dianne Feinstein was a brilliant woman who never backed down from a fight. She will always be remembered for her work and fierce nature. 

May God rest her soul.

"Aayushi Roy is a writer, poet and a dental student. Aayushi specializes in health and fitness field of profession and keeps herself updated to recent developments, studies and trends of the sector via conferences, articles and social media. A strong believer in the power of positive thinking and unique presentation, Aayushi always seeks to contribute in various events held around her and encourages people to do the same. She enjoys a good book with tea but can also be found long strolls on hilly roads.”

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