UK Protests: Anti-Racism Rally against Far-Right Mayhem


The masses finally spoke out yesterday, against the violent riots plaguing the UK. Thousands of people gathered all through the country to show their solidarity with the Migrant and Muslim communities that the Far- Right agitation has been targeted at. The counter-  protestors gathered to challenge the Extremist group, who failed to appear. This rally comes a week after the riots began as an aftermath of the Stabbing incident in which 3 young children were killed by an attacker. Other children who were injured in the attack, were reportedly discharged from the Alder Hey Hospital yesterday.   The violence originated when disinformation regarding the identity of the attacker spread online.

Counter- Protest, as seen yesterday

A wide range of precautions were taken on Wednesday to minimize the damage sustained during last week. Authorities had issued warnings to immigration and specialist lawyers to work remotely as Immigration Centres, certain Law Firms and Asylum Centres were the expected targets, based on information shared in group chats. Some shops and small businesses went to the extent of boarding up their windows. 

The violence that ensued last week prompted the government to deploy thousands of police officers to curb any unrest swiftly. However, most of the protests passed peacefully, with violence being reported only in a few locations. Brighton saw the gathering of eight protestors outside the office of a lawyer who works in Refugee Law. Those eight people, however, were subdued by the presence of over 2000 counter- protestors.

 Approximately 400 counter- protestors gathered in Grosvenor Square in Southampton and chanted “racism off our streets” against 10 anti- immigration protestors there. The two factions were kept apart by the police, who only arrested one person there.

An Anti- racist Protest yesterday, (Politico)

London did not report any issues, despite having around 1000 counter-protestors. 1000 counter- protestors from the Muslim community gathered near another expected target- an Immigration service business in Newcastle. The streets of Bristol were also rallied by a group of around 1500 counter- protestors from diverse communities.  

Image Source: Bloomberg

Protestors denounce the actions of the Far-Rightists 

The huge turnout at yesterday’s rallies could be a turning point and provide much- needed relief to the prejudiced violence being suffered by the country. The Anti- racists hailed placards and slogans such as “Racists not welcome here”, Bigots out of Brum”, “Stop the Far- Right”, “The Enemy arrives by Limousine, not by Small Boats”, “No Room for Racism” and “Refugees Welcome”. The night ended without any major reports of disorder, which is a sharp contrast to the riots that have erupted for the last seven days.

Damage caused by the Agitators

Many small businesses and shops suffered losses when they were vandalized last week. A retail store of Lush Cosmetics in Hull was looted. In Sunderland, a cab driver was assailed in the middle of the road while a travel consulting office was thrown bricks at. Abdelkader, a small business owner in Belfast said “my life is done” when the riots left his supermarket and café in ruins. 

Abdelkader, a small business owner in Belfast. (Image Source: BBC)

Government takes firm action against Rioters

PM Keir Starmer and his government have repeatedly assured that the people spreading violence will “face the full force of the law”. Over 400 arrests have been made in the span of mere seven days. Many have already been convicted and sentenced so far. Among them was a 29 year-old man who was jailed for 2.5 years, and a 59 year-old who was sentenced to 3 years in prison. 

There have been Cobra meetings to deal with the dire situation. The police force is prepared to take prompt action when needed. Starmer has also claimed that they are ready to have court proceeding 24 hours a day to ensure that the perpetrators are swiftly punished.

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