Ukraine Posed to Proceed With their “Victory Plan” to the US


More than two years and the Ukraine -Russia war is still on. Now the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky stated that the whole fiasco of the Ukrainian troops advancing towards further Russian territory in the Kursk region is all part of a plan. He called it a “victory plan”. Zelensky further notified that this plan against Russia is something he will victoriously present to US President Joe Biden, in their meeting scheduled next month.  

Ukraine’s President and Other Authorities

The Ukraine’s President further discussed this victory plan and stated the criteria for the evident success of this plan. While delivering a speech in a forum Zelensky expressed the ultimate attainment of the forum is hugely dependent on President Joe Biden along with the address of the US authority is ready to give proper accommodation of which plans wants or not and “whether we will be free to use this plan, or not”.

The President continued that whereas the plans might seem very ambitious and eager “but it is an important plan for us (Ukraine)”. The Ukrainian president would also reveal this whole plan to the other two presidential candidates  Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.


In the earlier week of August, a group of Ukrainian army operated an advance in the Kursk region of western Russia. The army incursion led to the evacuation of various Russian residences in this area. So far Russia is seemingly incapable of fending them off from their nation’s territory. 

Discussing in the same forum, the highest-ranked military commander of Kyiv, Gen Oleksandr Syrskyi, the operation of army advancement inside Russian territory is still in accordance with their plans, he further disclosed that the Ukrainian army had already taken control of 1,294 sq km (500 sq miles) in the western Russian territory. However, his information is not officially verified.

Ukraine’s Intention

The Ukrainian official further revealed the intention of Ukraine’s incursion into Russian territory. The intention was not to capture and invade the people rather the primary determination of the incursion was to sidetrack the Russian troops from invading the eastern Ukrainian region. As for the strategies the Russian army was planning to attack the town of Pokrovsk. The town is one of the most important hubs and also some main railway junctions are there, attacking Pokrovsk might lead to resource blockage for the Ukrainian border soldiers. 

Ukrainian president Zelensky also disclosed that Ukraine in recent times successfully executed its test of the very first ballistic missile that was produced and operated through Ukraine. 

However, it is needless to say that previously, Ukraine utilised a few ballistic missiles against Russia. The main supplier of these missiles was the US. now that Ukraine is developing its missiles and operations and also developing different military hardware production units the dependency on Western funding and help will become less. 

Russia did no peace talks engagement and they did not indicate any negotiations either so it can be said that this incursion and unrest is yet to end.

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