UK’s ‘Beloved’ Bearcat is no more; Body to be Cryogenically Frozen


A rare ‘Bearcat’ that died in a UK zoo on July 31st is going to be frozen to preserve the species and to conduct further studies on the same. 

Penh’s Life in England

“THE LEGACY OF A GENTLEMAN”, is how the post remembering Penh, the bearcat, starts. Penh is a Cambodian Binturong. The species gets the nickname of ‘Bearcat’ due to their walking style and appearance. 

The official Instagram of Drusillas Park, a zoo in East Sussex, writes down a lengthy post for their ‘beloved’ bearcat who died at the “grand old age of 18”. They mention how Penh was one of the three of his species to live in European zoos. “Penh was a true gentleman, a lover of tomatoes, and a sweet and gentle soul. He will be terribly missed by his keepers and our visitors”, they say in the post. Penh has spent 14 years of his fruitful life in England. 

Gemma, the headkeeper, said, “It felt very bittersweet, I’ve worked with Penh for over a decade so although I felt sad, it was also a positive feeling knowing it was not necessarily the end for him.”

“Penh’s legacy will live on”

Regardless of the sadness caused by Penh’s passing, the Instagram post announces that they have partnered with Nature’s SAFE, an animal charity organization on a mission to save animals from extinction through cryo conservation, as mentioned in the organization’s Instagram bio.

Like many animal species, Binturongs are also facing the threat of extinction in Southeast Asia, their natural habitats. This is because of the excessive deforestation and hence, the conservation efforts rely on wildlife sanctuaries. The act of freezing Penh’s body can help scientists look into his genetic legacy thereby ensuring the protection of this rare population of species. 

Nature’s SAFE will cryogenically preserve Penh’s body and hence, freeze his genetic material, including his skin cells and sperm. By doing so, it gives conservationists the opportunity to, someday, breed more bearcats and ensure the survival of this unique species in the long run. “The team at Nature’s SAFE lab immediately tested Penh’s sperm sample and we had confirmation that it was viable”, said Gemma.  

What is a Bearcat?

A bearcat or binturong is an arboreal, omnivorous species that is native to Southeast Asian countries like Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, The Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Their diet mainly consists of small animals, insects, fruits, and leaves. 

The bearcat is a member of the Viverrid family, a species related to the genets and civets. They are common in zoos and the captive bearcats showcase a source of genetic diversity and, as mentioned above, are essential for long-term conservation.

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