Bolstering Taiwan’s Defense: US Unveils record – Breaking Military Aid Package


Table of contents:

  • Overview of the US Military aid package for Taiwan.
  • The President Drawdown Authority and its use in providing aid for allies.
  • Key Points to notice in US Military aid package.
  • Specific contents of the package sent by the PDA.
  • US-Taiwan relations & China’s Reactions.

Overview of the US Military Aid package for Taiwan:

Under the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA), the US has declared the largest-ever military
aid package for Taiwan, valued at USD 567 million. Focus Taiwan reported this news, quoting
During times of crisis, the PDA allows the US to quickly provide ally countries with arms and
equipment from its current inventory.
The government of US President Joe Biden used this power for the first time in July 2023,
authorizing Taiwan to purchase defense supplies and services for USD 345 million.

The President Drawdown Authority and its use in providing aid for allies:

The White House reports that Biden has given Secretary of State Antony Blinken permission to
oversee the withdrawal of up to USD 567 million in defense funding, which will go toward
supporting Taiwan through military instruction and training.

Source : Al Jazeera

Although the most recent package’s exact contents were not disclosed, a story published on
September 21 by Defense News quoted an unidentified US official as saying that the assistance
will cover air defense, training, stockpiling, anti-armor weaponry, and multi-domain awareness
Drones, which are essential to the US and Taiwan’s asymmetric defense strategy against China’s
far more powerful military, are also anticipated to be included in the package.

In spite of growing concerns with China, US-Taiwan relations have improved dramatically over
the last five years, with increased military collaboration and economic links.
The US has strengthened military exchanges and armaments sales to Taiwan under President
A significant arms agreement that included anti-ship missiles and F-16 fighter fighters was
approved in 2021, reiterating a strong commitment to Taiwan’s defense.

Key Points to notice in US Military aid package:

  • Unprecedented Aid: The US has announced its largest-ever military aid package for Taiwan, valued at USD 567 million, under the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA).

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  • Strategic Importance: Taiwan’s strategic location in the Indo-Pacific region makes it a crucially for the US in countering China’s growing influence.
  • Enhanced Military Capabilities: The aid package is designed to bolster Taiwan’s military
    capabilities, including air defense, training, stockpiling, anti-armor weaponry, and multi-domain
  • Asymmetric Warfare: Drones, a key component of the package, are essential for Taiwan’s
    asymmetric defense strategy against China’s larger and more powerful military.
  • Strengthening Ties: US-Taiwan relations have significantly improved in recent years, with
    increased military cooperation, economic links, and support for Taiwan’s international
  • Balancing Act: While the US has strengthened its support for Taiwan, it continues to adhere to its “One China” policy, acknowledging Beijing’s claim to the island while maintaining informal ties with Taipei.
  • Chinese Reaction: China has reacted strongly to the growing US-Taiwan alliance, conducting
    military exercises around the island and denouncing US measures as provocative.
  • Economic Cooperation: The US and Taiwan have also strengthened their economic
    cooperation, particularly in the semiconductor industry, where Taiwan is a major player.

Specific contents of the package sent by the PDA:

A significant arms agreement that included anti-ship missiles and F-16 fighter fighters was
approved in 2021, reiterating a strong commitment to Taiwan’s defense.
Following the resolution of all production and delivery concerns, Taiwan’s defense ministry
recently announced that deliveries of F-16V fighter jets that were acquired from the US are now
anticipated to start in 2026.
Furthermore, Taiwan has historically been barred from international organizations and forums
because of Chinese objections; nonetheless, the US has backed Taiwan’s membership in these

US-Taiwan relations & China’s Reactions:

The United States of America supported Taiwan’s bid to join the Comprehensive and Progressive
Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in
High-level talks and discussions between US and Taiwanese authorities have strengthened
bilateral technical and economic cooperation even more, especially in the semiconductor
industry, where Taiwan is a major player.
Even with this growing alliance, the US continues to adhere to its “One China” policy, formally
acknowledging Beijing’s claim to Taiwan while maintaining informal ties with Taipei. China has
reacted strongly to this rising backing, stepping up military exercises around Taiwan and
denouncing US measures as provocative.

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