Vin Diesel sued for sexual assault 


Fast and Furious fame Vin Diesel has been accused of sexual battery by a former employee, as the former assistant shares the distressing account of the event. A lawsuit has been filed in Los Angeles on Thursday, December 21, Asia Jonasson claims that the actor committed the act of assault on her amidst the filming of Fast Five in 2010. She claims that the actor had her trapped against a wall in a hotel suite where he performed the act of masturbation in front of her. According to the legal documents Jonasson was employed by One Race a production company that Diesel owns, her job requirements included joining the actor at social functions which resulted in her photographs with him occasionally due to the lack of his usual romantic partners. Greenberg Gross is the firm legally representing Miss Jonasson in this case. A statement released by her legal representative stated that “ They are proud to stand by their client and hold Vin Diesel, and along with those who enabled and concealed his actions, accountable for sexual assault.”

The lawsuit filed painfully describes in great detail how the events of the night occurred that led to this criminal act being performed. The lawsuit describes, a late night in September 2010, when Jonasson was requested to remain in Diesel’s suite at the St Regis Hotel till he finished hosting women from a club. He then once finished hosting the women post their departure, grabbed Jonasson by her wrists and dragged her to the bed. “Ms Jonasson was unable to escape and closed her eyes, afraid of angering Diesel by rejecting him further and trying to disassociate, wishing the assault would end” the lawsuit revealed. Despite fearing for her job security as well as the physical safety of Jonasson, she hesitated to challenge her employer’s advances. However, once Vine Diesel attempted to remove her underwear she could no longer contain her fear and bolted on down the hall screaming in fear.

Further details of the harrowing event in the lawsuit stated that Vin Diesel forced her and backed her against a wall and touched her hands to his genitals. While he masturbated, Ms Jonasson, feeling afraid closed her eyes in an attempt to detach herself from the assault and not provoke him any further. Another statement added “Ms. Jonasson felt like she was a piece of trash to be discarded. she felt rather helpless, her self-esteem was demolished, and she questioned her own skills and whether a successful career would require her to trade her body for advancement.” the statement concluded.

Jonasson had signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement upon the beginning of her employment, which she was able to raise her concerns under the Speak Out Act and California’s AB2777. These laws have prohibited enforcement of such agreements in case of sexual assault, any other assault or harassment and as well as temporarily suspend any statutes of limitations for allegations of sexual abuse post-2009. The report stated that the #MeeToo movement and the Time’s Up movement gave her the strength to come out with her truth and get retribution.

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