8 points to understand Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) .

The Central government  notified the rules for Citizenship (Amendment Act, 2019 (CAA) on March 11, 2024 . Union  home minister Amit Shah said the new law passed in 2019 will be implemented before the Lok Sabha Elections  .

Here are the key things you need to know about the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019  .

The CAA amend the Citizenship Act  of 1955 , providing a medium for citizenship to Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jains and Parsis who migrated from neighbouring Muslim  majority-countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, before December 31,  2014  .

Accoding to the 2019 amendment of the act, migrants who entered India  before December 31, 2014 and had suffered "religious persecution or fear or religious persecution " in the country of their origin will be eligible for Citizenship .

The amendment also relaxed the residence requirement for the citizenship of migrants from 12 years to just six .

According to the Intelligence Bureau report  on CAA, there will be over 30,000 immediate beneficiaries  from the act  .

As per the rules notified by the government , eligible individuals can apply for citizenship online .

Documents required while applying .

An affidavit verifying the correctness of the statements made in the application along with an affidavit from an Indian Citizen testifying the character of the applicant .

A declaration from the applicant that they have adequate knowledge of one of the languages as specified in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution .

The applicant should also carry a declaration saying the citizenship of their country shall stand renounced  irrevocably  in the event of his  application being approved .

Created By :                               Amit Tomar