india's ranking in different indexes

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India’s rank on the Human Development Index (HDI) has slipped from 130 in 2020 to 132 in 2022, in line with a global fall in HDI scores in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic 

Human Development Index 2022

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India has been ranked amongst top 5 countries in the world, and the best among the G20 countries, based on its Climate Change performance. India jumps 2 spots higher, and is now ranked 8th as per Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI, 2023) published by German Watch, New Climate Institute and Climate Action Network International based in Germany. The latest report of CCPI, released at COP 27 in November 2022, shows Denmark, Sweden, Chile and Morocco as the only four small countries that were ranked above India as 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th respectively 

Climate Change Performance Index2023 

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India’s passport on the 85th spot, moving it up two places from its position in 2022.Based on data available from the International Air Transport Association, the index ranks passports of countries, “according to the number of destinations their holders can access without a prior visa.” With access to 193 countries, Japan tops the list as the world’s most powerful passport, while Afghanistan is ranked last in the list, its passport giving access to only 27 countries. 

Henley passport Index 2023 

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: It is made by the World Intellectual Property Organisation. India got the rank of 40th out of 132 countries.Theme for 2022: “What is the future of innovation-driven growth?”. Switzerland is the most innovative economy in the world in 2022 - for the 12th year in a row - followed by the United States, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. 

Global Innovation Index 2022 

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India ranks 13th on The Global Terrorism Index (GTI). The report shows that Afghanistan continues to be the country most affected by terrorism for the 4th year in a row, even though attacks and deaths decreased. 

Global Terrorism Index 

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UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network released the World Happiness Report 2023 which ranks countries on happiness. For the sixth year in a row, Finland has been crowned as the happiest nation, Denmark is at number two, followed by Iceland at number three. 

World happiness Report 

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The GFP index denotes India as a Top 5 world power. For 2023, India is ranked 4 of 145 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review. The nation holds a PwrIndx* score of 0.1025 (a score of 0.0000 is considered 'perfect'). 

Global Fire Power Index 2023 

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India has now been ranked at the 108th spot globally for electoral democracy, far behind nations like Tanzania, Bolivia, Mexico, Singapore, and even Nigeria, which comes in at a modest 91st spot by V-Dem Institute in its Electoral Democracy Report for 2023. 

 Electoral Democracy Index 2023 

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: It is an early warning system based on a 21-question survey that captures the financial, economic, and emotional health status of farmers in vulnerable areas. It is developed by the Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The index can sense imminent distress at least 3-4 months ahead of its actual occurrence. 

Farm Distress Index 

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: India’s performance in the Global Indices Ranking is variable. With a ranking of 112 out of 182, India’s standing in the Global Kids Right Index increased by 1 position. 12. Mumbai (127) is listed as the most costly city in India for hiring foreign workers, followed by New Delhi (155), Chennai (177), Bengaluru (178), and Hyderabad (189). Kolkata (203) and Pune (201) are the least costly Indian cities in terms of cost of living 

Global Kids Right Index 

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