

Pink Blob

source -Britannica image source - Binge Images

The early years

Small-town Waitress to Global Icon

Jacinda stuns as the world's youngest PM, charming Kiwis and leading on the world stage 

Christchurch Healer 

Compassion and action mark her response, prioritizing mental health, gun control, and well-being for all 

Climate Warrior 

She takes the globe by storm, slashing emissions and urging world leaders to join the fight for a green future 

Early lockdowns and misinformation battles - explore her leadership through COVID-19 and the lessons learned 

Crisis Captain 

The early years

Human rights, disarmament, equality - she builds bridges and  fights for a fairer world.

Global Champion 

The early years

Ponder her impact and potential future, a beacon for women and leaders everywhere. 

Inspiring Legacy 

Jaswanthi Mamidisetty