Surrogacy Or Sanctity ?

Pope Francis' Critique on Surrogacy Sparks Controversy

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 Surrogacy was a "grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child”

The 87-year-old Pope's View

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 Practice of a woman carrying another person's child was "deplorable”

Shameful Act

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 Pope Francis Calls for Worldwide Ban on Selling Pregnancy Services

Children as Gifts, Not Commodities !!

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Undermine the sacredness of the marital union between a man and a woman.

Sacred Bonds At Risk

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Emphasizing importance of the natural order of family and procreation

Catholic Teachings

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Lead to detachment from the natural bond between biological parents and their children

Complex Familial Relations 

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Adoption, emphasizing the care and support of children in need.

Pope Encouraging Alternatives 

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In countries Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK, Canada, Brazil and Colombia.

Legally Accepted

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 Pope abides to traditionals, yet opinions on this issue may vary within the broader society society.

Catholic Doctrine

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