Windows 10 Going Dark:  7 Reasons to Upgrade to 11

Source-CNET Image Source-Bing Images

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No More Security for 10 

It's ending in 2025. Upgrade to 11 to stay safe from hackers. 

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Millions at Risk 

Don't be one of them. Upgrade to protect your PC 

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Faster, Better 11

Enjoy speedier boot, smoother tasks, and more power with 11. 

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Gamers, Get Ready 

Auto HDR, DirectStorage, and more gaming features await in 11.

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Fresh, Modern Look 

11's sleek interface is easy on the eyes and simple to use.

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Stay Up-to-Date 

Upgrade to ensure compatibility with future tech.  

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Free Upgrade Now! Don't miss the chance to switch for free 

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Jaswanthi Mamidisetty