Blood Group-Stroke Risk: A, B, AB or O, which blood group people have the highest risk of stroke?


Blood Group: A study has shown which blood group people have the highest risk of stroke and who are at the lowest risk. People who are more likely to have a stroke need to be careful and improve their lifestyle. 

Image Source: Yashoda Hospital

Who is at Greater Risk of Stroke?

According to the Daily Mail, researchers say that a person’s blood type can tell the risk of stroke. American researchers reviewed several studies on genetic stroke and ischemic stroke (the most common type of stroke). Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain. It is the most common type of stroke occurring in 9 out of 10 cases. Blood clots usually form in areas where arteries have narrowed over time. 

According to scientists, those with blood type ‘A’ (A) have a 16 percent higher chances of stroke before the age of 60 than people with all other blood types. However, gender, weight and other factors play a role in addition to blood group.

Also, people with type ‘B’ blood group have a slightly higher possibility of stroke. But those with blood type ‘O’ (O) have the lowest risk. For some blood types, the risk was small and people shouldn’t worry about it, the researchers said.

Image source: Vitalant

Relief of O Blood Group people

According to the study published in the journal Neurology, the University of Maryland team of 7,000 stroke patients and examined 6 lakh people’s health.They found that people with type ‘O’ blood group were 12 percent less likely to have a stroke before the age of 60, while those with ‘B’ and ‘AB’ blood groups had no influences.

The study also found that one in 16 strokes among people with type ‘A’ blood group can be attributed to their blood alone. According to the study’s co-investigator and professor of neurology, Dr. Steven Kittner, ‘stroke symptoms appear early in humans. People are more likely to die from a stroke, and those who survive can experience disability. We still don’t know why blood type ‘A’ is at higher risk. 

Image Source: Everyday Health

What is the Risk of people of any Blood Group? 

Stroke is a serious neurological condition that occurs when blood flow to the brain is cut off. Simply put, a stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts and begins to bleed. In this condition one can even die. The incidence of stroke is increasing rapidly in the world as well as in India. 

  • O positive : 38%
  • O negative : 7%
  • A  positive : 34%
  • A negative : 6%
  • B  positive : 9%
  • B negative : 2%
  • AB  positive : 3%
  • AB negative : 1%

Understanding Genetic Risk 

According to Dr Claire Jonas, head of research communication and engagement at the charity Stroke Association, The new study is a good step toward understanding the genetic risk of stroke. We still don’t know why people with blood type A may have a higher risk of early stroke. This means that we have not yet been able to develop even a basic treatment to prevent stroke. 

This research may help to identify and monitor other risk factors for stroke. To reduce the possibilities of stroke one should take proper steps, check blood pressure from time to time and maintain a good lifestyle. 

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