Why Indian Youth Face More Mental Health Issues


India is at the moment struggling with a huge mental health crisis more to the youths who are developing high levels of depression and anxiety. And there isn’t anything that would imply this trend is a threat to only the individuals engaged in it, but the society as a whole as well.

The challenges that the present generation faces are more complex to solve that’s why it is the battle. They have to perform well academically, find time for social activities, and chart their future, all this in a world that is fast evolving. In all sectors, competition makes students’ lives stressful, and when such stresses lead to mental compilations, there is often no or little help. Compounding this is the state of mental health in the country of India – to say that it’s disappointing would be an understatement and as such, young people, if they even bother to notice that there are signs that they may be suffering from a mental illness are too embarrassed or too afraid to seek help.

Social Media Pressure: This is the Burden No One Can See.

Youth give in to peer pressure and coercion from friends in hopes of achieving some sort of social prize

Thanks to today’s fast globalization, young people are exposed to images, narratives, and expectancies that are unrealistic. Perhaps one of the biggest vices of social media designed to foster human relationships is witnessed often to alienate humans and make them feel like mere useless entities. Several images received from friends living in other countries display the joy and satisfaction they get. I seem to dampen the spirit of young people and demoralize them. This pressure, along with the addictive nature of social networks, could lead to sleep disorders, lack of company, and relatively severe psychopathological progression such as anxiety and depression.

The Heavy Burden from the Academic Standards

Despite academic expectations, it is important to balance mental health over school.

The education system is burdensome to the youth. This puts pressure on the students to perform well academically, get the best grades and pass the right exams to secure a place in the most reputable colleges as well as succeed in extracurricular activities hence the stress. Most youths are pressured between what they want to be and what society and/or their families want them to be. When fears related to failure reach this level, one may easily get exhausted and develop callousness to attempt the efforts again, mental breakdowns, and mood swings that require help that one may not be able to find.

Family Support: The Lifeline for Mental Health

Family members are essential components in the process of healing

Significance of Family Relations It must be appreciated that the family relations of young people have a key importance to their mental health. A safe and nurturing home environment helps shield a child from psychological problems – to feel safe and loved. However, animosity in the home space or the absence of support worsens nervous breakdown and depression. Youth are required to hear that their families are supporting them to meet the adversities in their lives and that one is there to listen to them.

Early Intervention

Identifying mental health conditions can be challenging, but early intervention is crucial for effective treatment.

This is because, when one is young, he or she has not been infected by vices and hence should be encouraged to seek medical help on issues affecting mental health. It means that it is possible to prevent such conditions as depression or anxiety if these symptoms are seen in time. Parents, schools, and caregivers have to ensure that the youth are free to speak about matters concerning their mental health. This entails providing more referrals and support for people making mental health spoken about precisely and people being taught how to handle stress.

However, the findings of this study should be read this way: The young Indians are in deep need of mental health care. If we know what they suffer and all try, everything possible, to support them, it means we will build up our young people and make them strong enough to succeed. As the next year of learning gradually approaches, we have to keep on fighting against the stigma concerning such mental health problems as depression while, at the same time, every young person should be told that it is quite normal to ask for help

Just a wander, lost in her own world

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