Why Indians Are Deficient In Key Nutrients


In a recent study in The Lancet, an important health concern has been brought to light in India; that is micronutrient malnutrition with special reference to iron and calcium. These two essential nutrients are so vital and fundamental to our body but sadly millions of Indians are actually deficient in it. When these deficiencies occur, there may be serious ramifications of one’s energy, bone density, as well as total health.

The Critical Roles of Iron and Calcium

Iron and Calcium are essential building blocks for our body.

Iron is one of the important minerals needed in the body, especially in the production of hemoglobin which is used to transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. If there is lack of iron, hemoglobin cannot be formed or formed in inadequate quantity thus resulting to iron deficiency anemia. Sometimes, the content of red blood cells decreases, caused by illnesses such as anemia, which manifests signs including exhaustion, muscle weakness, and lighter complexion as well as difficulty in breathing.

Deficiency of iron is most common in women of child bearing age, children, and adolescent. In the present research, it has been found that this deficiency is quite common among the Indians and especially the rural population. Some consequences of anemia are very significant and may affect the patient’s quality of life in many ways.

To children, three, it may affect their intellectual and motor skills as well as cause learning disabilities and growth restrictions. In adults cases, anemia is associated with decreased efficiency in working, frequent incidences of illnesses and complications during pregnancy for pregnant women.

Calcium another of the most important nutrients in the diet for growth of the strong bones and teeth. It is also involved in muscle contraction, nerve impulses conduction and also blood coagulation. Low levels of calcium decreases the bone density thus increasing the rate of fracture and osteoporosis, a condition in which bones become fragile and easily broken

According to a survey conducted by Lancet, a large population in India has calcium poor diet. This is of much concern especially for female aged post menopausal since they are more prone to develop osteoporosis. Calcium deficiency in children also causes an array of complications regarding their growth and development of bones and may also cause fractures.

The Role of Diet in Deficiencies

A balanced diet plays a vital role in one’s health.

Deficiency of iron and calcium in India is commonly referred with the food choices consumers make. Most individuals are not taking enough iron containing food products on their daily diets. Although there are numerous sources of iron, mainly red meat, poultry, fish, and some vegetables which are dependable sources of the micro nutrient, the reality is that many people do not take these foods regularly, especially vegetarians.

People do not use animal-based foods as a source of iron but instead they derive it from plant-based foods such as lentils beans and spinach. Even as these are excellent sources, the kind of iron present in such plant products as fruits and vegetables is not as easy to assimilate by the body than that in animal products.

Besides, the Indian diet is very rich in phytates, chemicals that interfere with the absorption of iron. These are found in grains, legumes and seeds which are part of most Indians’ diet. This goes on to aggravate the situation because people are unable to get the required daily intake of iron.

In the same way, calcium deficiency is partly attributed to low intake of dairy products which is the primary source of calcium. Taking a cross-section of populations in India, especially in the rural areas, many people are known to take very little of milk products such as cheese and yogurt. This may be attributed to one of the following factors; fiscal reasons, sensitivities to dairy products or the culture at large. Also, such products as salt, caffeine, and other leafy vegetables such as spinach have propensity to reduce calcium absorption due to presence of oxalates within their body.

Strategies To Improve Health

Diet: The Foundation of our well-being.

Therefore, to address the issues of lack of iron and calcium in the Indian diet there is a need to enjoin many strategies. Concerned authorities should therefore aim at creating awareness among the members of the public that they need to take balanced diets rich in these nutritive substances. Pro linking of iron and calcium to staple foods, combined with iron and folic acid supplementation of high risk groups like pregnant women and young children will also assist in the correction of these discrepancies.

Thus, it can be concluded that problems related to the deficiency of iron and calcium are also one of the biggest hidden health emergencies in the country requiring immediate public attention. Notably, increasing awareness, changing diets, and applying proper public health solutions mean that all India citizens can get the nutrients they require to live healthy later stages of their lives.

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