Zelenskyy to Unveil Peace Plan to Biden to End Russia-Ukraine War


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced at a recent press conference that he would launch a new peace initiative aimed at ending the war with Russia. His strategy, which he plans to present soon with U.S. President Joe Biden and potential presidential candidates, is meant to compel Russia into settling the war on Ukraine’s terms. This initiative comes as the war, which began with Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022, continues to reshape the geopolitical landscape of Eastern Europe.

One of the key elements of Zelenskyy’s strategy is Ukraine pouring troops into western Russia in Kursk. This aggressive tactic, now in its third week, reflects Ukraine’s ability to fight back beyond its borders. Zelenskyy makes the case that more than 1,200 square kilometers of Russian territory in the Kursk region are now under Ukrainian control and that will reportedly unite global opinion behind Ukraine.

The Ukrainian president refers to the current talks as “empty and meaningless” and dismisses any possibility of reaching a settlement with Vladimir Putin. Zelenskyy says Putin never wanted to end the war diplomatically. Such a stand is affirmed by Putin’s requirement for Ukraine to acknowledge Russian control of large parts of the Ukrainian area as a precondition for negotiations.

Zelenskyy’s Peace Plan

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy speaks to reporters at a press conference in Kyiv on August 27, 2024 Image source: Reuters

Zelenskyy said that he intends to take his peace plan when he visits the United States in September, for its U.N. General Assembly session in New York. He plans to sit down with President Biden and also talk about the plan with Vice President Kamala Harris. The Ukrainian president is also hoping to share his vision with former President Donald Trump — highlighting how bipartisanship can be critical in U.S. foreign policy efforts as well.

The peace plan is expected to include military, economic, and diplomatic components. Although details are sparse, Zelenskyy said the main goal is to make Russia stop its war on terms “fair for Ukraine.” That may well be the key venue for further talks, with another international peace summit on Ukraine — from which he hopes Russian representatives will not stay away.

Zelenskyy sees a follow-up international peace summit as the main potential forum for talks. He wants Russian representatives to attend this summit. A previous summit in Switzerland excluded Russia but attracted many international delegations.

Diplomatic Efforts

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy welcomes Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi during his visit to Ukraine Image source: Reuters

On the diplomatic front, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent involvement has added a new dimension to peace efforts. Following a visit to Kyiv, Modi spoke with Putin, advocating for an early and peaceful resolution to the conflict. This intervention highlights the growing international concern and desire for a negotiated settlement.

Ukraine’s military advancements are not limited to its incursion into Russian territory. Demonstrating Ukraine’s advancement in weaponry development, Zelenskyy recently declared the successful test of a ballistic missile made in the country.

Despite these developments, the situation on the ground remains complex. While Ukrainian forces advance in the Kursk region, Russian troops continue to make incremental gains in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region. Zelenskyy has criticized Putin for prioritizing the capture of Ukrainian land over defending Russian territory, highlighting the ongoing strategic tensions.

The international community’s response to these developments has been mixed. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that talks are off the table following Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk. However, Zelenskyy contends that this offensive has reduced global calls for Ukraine to make territorial concessions to Russia.

As the conflict persists, Zelenskyy’s peace plan represents a multifaceted approach to ending the war. By combining military action, diplomatic initiatives, and economic measures, Ukraine seeks to create a strong negotiating position. While Zelenskyy remains open to dialogue, he insists that any resolution must be equitable for Ukraine and cannot involve compromises with Putin under the current circumstances.

An aspiring journalist possessing dogged determination to find the story and deliver it to the masses. Armed with a keen eye for geopolitical trends and a passion for international affairs, I'm determined to bring complex stories to life for a wide audience. My goal is to demystify world politics and make international relations accessible to all.

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