India and Qatar Discuss Acquisition of Mirage-2000 Fighter Jets


India and Qatar Discuss Acquisition of Mirage-2000 Fighter Jets. On Friday, India and Qatar engaged in high-level discussions concerning the potential purchase of 12 used Mirage-2000-5 fighter jets from Qatar.

A defence team from Qatar met Indian officials in New Delhi to offer a proposal to sell 12 of their Mirage 2000-5 fighter planes, sources said.The Indian officials were briefed in detail by the Qatari delegation on the current state of the Mirage aircraft they possess, which they claimed to be in good condition, defence sources told India Today.

India may consider the proposal, keeping in mind the compatibility of their aircraft with the Indian Mirage-2000 aircraft fleet, which is more advanced than the aircraft on offer, the sources added.

These talks took place in New Delhi, where Qatari officials presented detailed information about the current condition of these aircraft to their Indian counterparts. According to defense sources speaking to ANI, the Mirage-2000-5 jets are well-maintained and retain significant operational life, making them a viable option for enhancing India’s air capabilities.

Strategic Military Asset Exchange

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is carefully evaluating this proposal, particularly in terms of how these jets would integrate with their existing fleet of more advanced Mirage-2000 aircraft.

Defense news India

A key consideration in this evaluation is that the engines of both the Qatari and Indian aircraft are identical, which would simplify maintenance and operational logistics should the acquisition proceed.

Compatibility and Strategic Value

The Qatari offer is priced at approximately ₹5,000 crore and includes not only the 12 aircraft but also an array of missiles and additional engines to support flying operations. However, Indian negotiators are aiming to secure a more favorable price.

Despite this, the proposal is attractive due to the operational readiness of the aircraft, which Indian officials clarified would be utilized for active service rather than being cannibalized for spare parts or maintenance.During the COVID-19 pandemic, the IAF successfully acquired a considerable stock of spare parts and equipment from a French vendor through a second-hand purchase.

This precedent supports the current negotiations with Qatar, which, if successful, would bolster the IAF’s Mirage fleet to a total of 60 aircraft. The Mirage fleet, stationed primarily at the Gwalior Airbase, has been a cornerstone of the IAF’s operational strength. These aircraft have been instrumental in significant military engagements, including the Kargil conflict, the Balakot airstrikes, and ongoing patrols along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China.

Enhancing India’s Air Power

The Indian defense establishment recognizes the strategic advantage of augmenting its air fleet with these Qatari jets. The Mirage-2000 has a proven combat record and has been a reliable asset in various military operations.

The acquisition would not only increase the number of operational jets but also enhance the overall mission readiness and tactical flexibility of the IAF.Moreover, the inclusion of additional missiles and engines in the deal adds significant value, providing the IAF with enhanced combat capabilities and operational endurance.

The strategic importance of the Mirage fleet, especially in light of recent tensions along India’s northern borders, underscores the need for maintaining a robust and versatile air force.Negotiations are expected to continue as both sides aim to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

The Indian defense ministry is keen on ensuring that any deal made aligns with the long-term strategic objectives of the IAF and provides value for money. The outcome of these talks could have a lasting impact on the operational capabilities and strategic posture of the Indian Air Force in the region.In summary, the potential acquisition of these 12 Mirage-2000-5 fighter jets from Qatar represents a significant opportunity for India to strengthen its air force.

The ongoing discussions reflect India’s commitment to maintaining a formidable air defense system capable of addressing contemporary security challenges. If successful, this deal would not only enhance the IAF’s fleet but also reinforce its operational readiness for future missions and conflicts.

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